Category: Surgery
Diagnose and available treatment for PCOD and PCOS
While there is no particular test to confirm PCOD, still the doctor would diagnose and discuss available treatment for PCOD and PCOS by discussing your medical history. And diagnose by doing a physical examination to confirm the condition. So that they may then recommend A pelvic examination Blood tests to quantify hormone levels An ultrasound to examine…
Read MoreDid you know what is the Difference between PCOD and PCOS
Are PCOD and PCOS the same? Most of the women get confused between the two, often using the two terms interchangeably. Specifically when we trying to recognize the relation between PCOD, PCOS and pregnancy. Certainty both the conditions are different from each other, in spite of the similarities, like being related to the ovaries and causing…
Read MoreLaparoscopic Surgery and Its Benefits
Laparoscopy is a low-risk, minimally invasive surgical diagnostic and therapeutic procedure used to examine and treat diseases of abdominal organs. It is also known as minimally invasive endoscopic surgery and requires only small incisions. In order to look at the abdominal organs, this surgery uses an instrument called laparoscope, a long, thin tube with high…
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