Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy
This pain is known as Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD).
PGP is painful and uncomfortable symptoms are caused by stiffness of your pelvic joints.
- Pain over the pubic bone at the front in the centre
- 1 or both sides of your lower back and hip
- in the area between your vagina and anus (perineum)
- On spreading to your thighs
- walking, using stairs
- standing on 1 leg (when you’re getting dressed)
- turning over in bed
- when you get out of a car separating your legs
What To Do?
- be as active as possible within your pain limits,
- rest when you can
- wear flat, supportive shoes
- Pelvic girdle belt to support pelvis
- sit down to get dressed
- keep your knees together when getting in and out of the car
- sleep in a comfortable position – for example, on your side with a pillow between your legs
- try different ways of turning over in bed – for example, turning over with your knees together
- take the stairs 1 at a time,
- if you want to have sex, consider different positions, such as kneeling on all fours
Many women with pelvic pain in pregnancy can have a normal vaginal birth. Tips to follow:
- Exercise to strengthen pelvic floor muscles.
- Swimming
- Being in water can take the weight off your joints and allow you to move more easily, so you might want to think about having a water birth.